Sadie says we have to leave …

With those few urgent words, the journey begins for this couple—from their chance encounter freshman year awaiting their college dorm assignments, through all of the roadblocks and detours and dead ends, until some thirty years later when they finally understand where they are meant to be. All The Things She Says is a chronicle, recounted in vignettes and episodes, of the course these two take in their relationship together, told from the point of view of Sadie’s spouse, who witnesses firsthand, and often helplessly, the struggles and travails Sadie endures in trying to find herself with the constant fear that time is slipping away. Yet in the end, they arrive at a plan—the plan Sadie first had in that freshman dorm room.  

Initially published nonsequentially in literary journals and magazines over a span of more than seven years, these sixteen short stories are now assembled into one complete collection. All The Things She Says is a discourse on life and love and commitment, and shows that while the path may be difficult to follow, the destination is nonetheless worthwhile.

Available on Amazon, for Kindle Unlimited, or from your favorite independent bookstore [ISBN: 978-1-7375801-5-7]

“While each story stands on its own, since all sixteen stories in the collection were published elsewhere over several years before being gathered together in the collection, the progression of the stories also tells the realistic tale of a relationship and how it can evolve through the years, changing and hopefully getting stronger over time … A quick, yet thought provoking read.”

Big Al’s Books and Pals

I’ve curated a special playlist that sets the vibe for these stories – check it out HERE on Spotify

Listen to me read an excerpt, “The Water,” on the Pocket Fiction Podcast HERE.

Listen to me read an excerpt, “Bumps,” and explain a little bit about my writing process, on The Other Stories Podcast HERE.

Read select stories from All The Things She Says on my Medium page HERE